Henry Ford's car,
August 31, 2005 Toyota is the world’s second largest automotive manufacturer and it has known for some time that it would not become number one selling automobiles as we now know them. Over the last few years the Japanese giant has both entrenched itself in traditional automotive enclaves such as prestige motoring and Formula 1, while it has evolved numerous concepts for mobility solutions in the grey area where robotics meets personal transport – ranging from walking chairs, through intelligent transforming personal wheeled transporters. Two of the concepts to be shown by Toyota at the upcoming Frankfurt Auto Show are in this “personal mobility” area - the Endo and the I-unit. Emanating from the company’s ED2 design studio in Southern France, the Endo is an urban-friendly car designed to address some of the key issues of modern urban life, while the i-unit has been seen previously at the New York Auto Show in January this year and is one of the major attractions at EXPO 2005 in Aichi, Japan and is "a new approach to human mobility that enables the driver to interact with his or her surroundings. The design of the i-unit is "inspired by a leaf, a natural expression of life on earth." Read More
Benda apakah yang ada pada gambar di bawah ini? Properti film fiksi ilmiahkah? Bukan, ini hanyalah sebuah mobil biasa. Tapi lebih terlihat seperti mobil masa depan atau mobil alien (kalaupun ada).
Mobil ini dibuat oleh Mike Vetter dari Florida. Pemilik sebuah perusahaan modifikasi mobil bernama The Car Factory ini, mempreteli mobil Chevy Aveo, mengganti eksteriornya, dan memasang pintu Gull-wing sebagai pelengkap. Mobil ini juga dijual oleh Vetter di situs ebay. Tertarik?
Seandainya mobil ini dapat terbang sungguhan, mungkin akan jauh lebih menarik. Tetapi desain yang ditawarkan juga cukup menggoda. Saya yakin bangsa Indonesia juga mampu membuat inovasi seperti ini, bahkan yang jauh lebih baik dari ini.
What’s in the mind when you hear the word ‘Japan’? State of progress and sophistication with the technology side by side but remain consistent with the cultural uniqueness. Or one of the country that is now seen as the starting center of the world fashion trend. Or may also be one of the largest automotive manufacturers in dunia.Well, all the above is generally a fairly accurate description of Japan, especially for the last mentioned. As one of the largest manufacturers of automotive, Japan succeeded in exporting its products to various countries dibelahan world. Even the successful market in some countries. Various types of vehicles, both four wheels and two wheels of different types of succession enliven the world automotive market. In addition to the car or the motor itself, there is one thing that is also quite interesting to be, the modification of the style of the country’s sunrise. Style of ornamentation that is now also began to participate in the infecting various parts of the world,
“As shown on the front and rear wheels, a long follow-up,” said Junaidi, builder Admair Thula (AT) which is based in Medan. Total length of the motor to be 3.5 meters. That is, dimensions Mio delay of about 1 meter.
Long retreat, retreat, said Junaidi, to 32 cm. This does not include the end of the outer tire. However, there are unique on the retreat, withdraw it. When the construction is typically shaped letters “H”, here he made a model “J”.
“To be strong due to rim and engine load, the material is taken from galvanized,” he explained. This effort shall thumbs up. Imagine, with the rear wheel of a super-wide, the device remains in the middle. If viewed from the tire and rim application, then surely this Mio into Bobber style.
To adjust the back of the already overly stretch, re-house CVT reformed. Way, that part was cut and added to plates 8 cm to match the back, though not quite fit the position because it was too out of place.
Front wheel chopper-like models in the Harley-proved difficult to maneuver. Turning radius is very small like a chopper-style motorcycle HD. Changes made by sliding out and replace komstir triangular shaped enggak again straight, but it resembles a “V”.
When asked to roads with berziga-zagging in between rows of cones, the motor was trouble. In fact, the driver must be off the foot many times. However, testing his courage Junaidi to take the road more than 5 km.
An industry source informed, "A lot of cross-pollination is going to happen between the automobile industries in India and China. Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation has already made an entry into the market here and manufacturers such as Chery, Brilliance, JAC, BYD and Beiqi Foton are working out modalities to start operations. These companies have products which are a strategic fit for the Indian market. Some of them have already made enquiries regarding the vendor base available in India for starting operations here."
“As shown on the front and rear wheels, a long follow-up,” said Junaidi, builder Admair Thula (AT) which is based in Medan. Total length of the motor to be 3.5 meters. That is, dimensions Mio delay of about 1 meter.
Long retreat, retreat, said Junaidi, to 32 cm. This does not include the end of the outer tire. However, there are unique on the retreat, withdraw it. When the construction is typically shaped letters “H”, here he made a model “J”.
“To be strong due to rim and engine load, the material is taken from galvanized,” he explained. This effort shall thumbs up. Imagine, with the rear wheel of a super-wide, the device remains in the middle. If viewed from the tire and rim application, then surely this Mio into Bobber style.
To adjust the back of the already overly stretch, re-house CVT reformed. Way, that part was cut and added to plates 8 cm to match the back, though not quite fit the position because it was too out of place.
Front wheel chopper-like models in the Harley-proved difficult to maneuver. Turning radius is very small like a chopper-style motorcycle HD. Changes made by sliding out and replace komstir triangular shaped enggak again straight, but it resembles a “V”.
When asked to roads with berziga-zagging in between rows of cones, the motor was trouble. In fact, the driver must be off the foot many times. However, testing his courage Junaidi to take the road more than 5 km.
Hungarian designer David Raffal has the clear idea about how new generation cars should look like. With his new concept, called “BMW snug”, this futuristic looking car is most likely going to be on the roads once in the future. The project was developed in tandem with the BMW group. What is special in its design is that David Raffal strives to achieve a sense of community.
According to its designer, the car is designed for different people with different views and ideas, those who value private relations. Being just a concept, BMW snug is reported to be highly assessed by BMW, but still nothing is clear about its future. BMW snug is a 4 seater vehicle which is able to be used as a sitting room. Its design appears to be sophisticated with paper waves for covering a central cell.